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Processing center for international infrastructure
Created for operational work with projects and enterprises according to control of the level of preparation and quality of project execution
Tasks of the Processing Center:
- Collection, formatting, verification of documents and project data to assist in promotion in the markets of the BRICS and BRICS+ countries and in organizing project financing.
- Depositing received information about projects.
- Conducting credit and economic examinations, marketing examinations, business reputation checks and other types of project examinations.
In case of a positive decision of the comprehensive examination, preparation of an official written positive recommendation for the Project.
In the event of a negative decision of any examination, drawing up a detailed list of identified deficiencies, developing a draft plan to eliminate them, providing assistance to the Project and the company applicant for the Project in the implementation of such a plan.
In the event of a negative decision of any examination, drawing up a detailed list of identified deficiencies, developing a draft plan to eliminate them, providing assistance to the Project and the company applicant for the Project in the implementation of such a plan.
Экспертиза Processing center
- Providing assistance to the Project and the company applicant for the Project in increasing investment attractiveness;
- Formation and execution of projects promotion programs;
- Providing assistance to the Project and the company applicant for the Project in attracting investments of various types - debt, equity and mixed;
- Assisting investors in organizing project control systems, in selecting control contractors, in monitoring such contractors and coordinating their work according to unified regulations, in creating management accounting and budgeting systems on a contractual basis.